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Step 1: Water is heated to a boil in the glass carafe.
Step 2: Coffee grounds are prepared and placed in glass container.
Step 3: The stem of the coffee ground container is inserted into the top of the glass carafe.
Step 4: The boiling water makes its way up the stem of the carafe into the coffee ground container. It is then stirred for one minute.
Step 5: At this point, the coffee has been fully brewed, but still contains the coffee grounds. The glass carafe is taken off of the heated surface.
Step 6: As the glass carafe cools off, the brewed coffee is sucked through the filter of the coffee ground container down into the glass carafe.
Step 7: The brewed coffee is finished, and located in the glass carafe. The glass coffee ground container contains dried out grounds because of the vacuum suction.
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