BeskrivningNinja Sex Party on the set of Next To You (Brian closeup).jpg
English: This is a picture of the two members of comedy band Ninja Sex Party, along with several background dancers from The Spangles, during the filming of their video "Next To You". The image is cut to focus on Brian Wecht.
English: The original image, File:Ninja Sex Party on the set of Next To You.jpg, was uploaded on Wikipedia by Brian Wecht, owner of the picture and one of the two main depicted, in 2012 under the GNU Free Documentation License. This version has simply been modified to cut his bandmate Dan Avidan out of the picture, for, as it is the only image of Wecht available, I intend to use it for the infobox of his own Wikipedia article.
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{{subst:Upload marker added by en.wp UW}} {{Information |Description = {{en|This is a picture of the two members of comedy band Ninja Sex Party, along with several background dancers from The Spangles, during the filming of thei...
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