This image was first published in South Africa and is in the public domain because it is an image of or from:
Official texts of a legislative, administrative or legal nature, or in official translations of such texts.
Political speeches or speeches delivered in the course of legal proceedings. (However, the author of speeches has the exclusive right to create a collection of such speeches.)
News of the day that are mere items of press information.
According to the Copyright Act, 1978 (as amended), § 12 (8) (a), "No copyright shall subsist in official texts of a legislative, administrative or legal nature, or in official translations of such texts; or in speeches of a political nature or in speeches delivered in the course of legal proceedings, or in news of the day that are mere items of press information."
South Africa
Den här bilden består av en flagga, ett vapen, ett sigill eller någon annan officiell symbol. Användningen av sådana symboler är begränsad i många länder. Dessa restriktioner är oberoende av den upphovsrättsliga statusen.
Ingen bildtext har definierats
Flag of the New National Party used from 1993 to 2005.
Vlag van die Nuwe Nasionale Party van 1993 tot 2005.
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