English: Wall poem Aan een Roosje (To a Rosie) by Jacob van Lennep (1802-1868). Location: Jacob van Lennepstraat / Nassaukade, Amsterdam (The Netherlands). Artist: Rombout Oomen, painted in 2004. Complete text of the poem can be found here. Pixelization of the pubic hair of the woman was done by the artist himself, in October 2004.
a painting on Jacob van Lennepstraat by Rombout Oomen; photograph by Vysotsky
The photographical reproduction of this work is covered under the article 18 of the Dutch copyright law, which states that “it is not an infringement of copyright to reproduce and publish pictures of a work, as meant in article 10, first paragraph, under 6°[1] or of an architectural work as meant in article 10, first paragraph, under 8°[2], which are made to be permanently located in a public place, as long as the work is depicted as it is located in the public space. Where incorporation of a work in a compilation is concerned, not more than a few of the works of the same author may be included”.
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