Detta är en retuscherad eller på annat sätt behandlad bild, med vilket menas att den har redigerats digitalt från sitt original. Redigeringar: {{{1}}}. Originalet kan ses här: Be-map.png.
2006-05-27T13:55:48Z Matt314 329x353 (20405 Bytes) "Redu" in the same font size as the other cities
2006-04-07T20:59:07Z Abrev 329x353 (20494 Bytes) Map of Belgium Updated version uploaded by []. No rights reserved for updating.
2006-01-05T16:46:58Z Jrenier 330x355 (8965 Bytes) Reverted to earlier revision
2006-01-05T16:35:16Z Jrenier 330x355 (8965 Bytes) Reverted to earlier revision
{{Information |Description=Map of Belgium, CIA factbook (taken from EN Wikipedia) A map of Belgium, converted directly from a map in GIF format from the CIA World Factbook. *French version here : image:Be-map-fr.png *Japanese versio